These are just my opinions on some products I have tried. For some, they work well, but for other's not so much. No worries either way, and feel free to give me any input on what products have worked, or not, for you!
Love It:
Video Monitor- Without this I don't think I would get a wink of sleep since moving little man into his own room. It lets me not only see what he is doing, but also see that he is breathing (SIDS is a terrifying prospect for any Mommy)
Breathable Bumper- This thing is great. It doesn't do much to prevent bumps, but does wonders for keeping little limbs from getting stuck between the slats in the cribs, PLUS no worry of suffocation.
Dr. Browns Bottles- While they are much more of a pain to wash, and more expensive than your average bottles, they are also AWESOME! After drinking from one of these the lil man needs less burping and seems to keep the milk down more with less spit up involved.
Medela Anything- Again, this brand is a bit more expensive but so worth it. The bottles are good quality, and the pumps are great. The pump is easy to use, and portable.
Bouncer by Baby Einstein- I am not a fan of the baby Einstein videos, but lil man LOVES his bouncer. It helps strengthen his legs, help with balance, and entertain.
Dreft Stain Remover- This stuff works wonders on stained little clothing, plus no worry of super harsh chemicals upsetting little baby soft skin.
Leave it:
Cheap Nursing Bras- Yes they are cheap, but they also don't provide much support. They are okay if you are hanging out around the house, but for me that is about it.
Cheap Pumps- I made the mistake of buying a cheap pump first, and not only did it not work well, but it hurt. Plus, when I did decide to buy a better pump, I was out $100! So cheap or not, it is still a waste.
Expensive Clothes and Shoes- Baby's grow super fast, and are little mess makers. I don't care if you use a giant bib, your baby will still find a way to get food onto that expensive little outfit. Second hand is the way to go in my opinion. Yes, it is still sad when a favorite outfit gets seriously stained, but at least you aren't out a bunch of cash as well!
Suburb Shenanigans
Come along, shenanigans of the suburban variety, await! These are the musings, mutterings, tips, and tricks, of a money saving new Mamma, happy housewife, (North) Carolina gal, professional thrifter, and novice crafter. I also use my licenses in massage therapy and aesthetics, to share some home therapy tricks with other "mom-zombies".
Monday, May 5, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Mommy of a 6 month old!
I never thought I would be SAD that my baby turned 6 months old, but yesterday I actually cried, like a baby! I guess it is because time has gone so fast, and so much has changed, so quickly. I can't help but wonder though if I am having such a hard time with 6 months, how will I handle it at a year, or at 10 years! Being so upset about this has just made me realize that I need to enjoy every second with him that much more, whether he is smiling and happy, or fussy in the middle of the night. He is only going to be this size for a very short time.
Happy half birthday little man!
Happy half birthday little man!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
5 Things I Didn't Know I Would Like About Motherhood
With my lil dude is turning 6 months on Easter, I have been reflecting lately about how much I have changed and evolved in just 6 months. I love being a Mom and there were certain aspects of Motherhood I knew I would like, but there are also a few that were pretty surprising to me.
- Nursing/Breastfeeding: I did this because I knew it was good for my baby and would provide some added bonding, as well as save money. But at the 5 month mark, I was not making enough to fill up my rapidly growing tiny person. I had to start introducing formula, and he took to it like gang busters. I thought I would love letting other people feed him, and make the night time feedings a lot less stressful for me, but to my surprise I was actually brought to tears by this change. I love breastfeeding. I love the closeness it brought. I love the convenience. I love knowing that my body not only brought life into this world, but could also sustain that life. I guess I also sort of selfishly liked that I was the only person in the world that could provide such a service to my little guy. I am still feeding him in the morning, at night, and pumping enough for one full bottle at some point during the day, but not being needed 24/7 as a food source is oddly sad for me.
- Picking Up Toys: I like a tidy house, not a super clean one. I am not one to get into dusting, and cleaning windows, but I like the house to at least have the appearance of being clean. I thought that adding a bunch of toys, blankets, books, and other items into this mix would only bring a headache of more to do, but I find myself smiling as I do it now. I guess it is because I love knowing that these tiny little items belong to my most favorite person, and that picking up tiny toys will only be a small part of my parenting time. I am much happier picking up stuffed animals, binkies, teething rings and the like, than I may be down the line when I am picking up stinky teenager socks, gym bags, and video game accessories...though maybe I will find myself still liking that down the line too.
- Changing Poopy Diapers: I never though the day would come when I would ENJOY and look forward to changing a stinky diaper, but as a parent your whole view changes. When I get a poopy diaper I know that his little digestive system is working the way it should, and I don't have to worry. When we switched to formula my poor little guy went from two or three a day, to none for 5 days, and I was in a panic. I thought I had broken him. Turns out it was just his system getting used to the change and everything is back on track, but now I am glad when I smell "that" smell, and relieved that he is doing just fine.
- Hearing Someone Snore: I never understood how my Mother could sleep next to my step father every night. He snores like a hibernating bear! I thought, "how in the world can you get any sleep"?! I didn't even like sleep overs as a kid at times because I would stay up all night listening to a girl three sleeping bags down snore away, and it drove me nuts. But to my surprise hearing baby snore is a huge relief and actually helped me sleep better. Hearing his snoring was how I knew he was still breathing in the middle of the night. After reading way too many articles about the ever terrifying SIDS, the sound of a snore is like music to my ears.
- Being Chewed On: I always had puppies growing up, and they would chew on you, drool, and the like. Now being someones teething toy makes me smile like nothing else. I know that by him chewing on me, it is comforting him and helping ease his pain, and as a parent that is a great feeling.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
One Handed Mamma!
I have been away for a while because of sleep deprivation. Sleep training and putting the lil one in his own room has been H A R D! I feel like it is an uphill battle, but hey, it will all work out. Right? RIGHT?! It has to...I hope.
Anyway, recently I have come to realize that I can do more with a baby in one hand, than I ever accomplished as a two handed hominid pre-baby.
Things I can rock one handed:
1. Putting dishes away (though you may want to wait until they are no longer hot)
2. Make coffee/tea (thanks to my Keurig)
3. Switch laundry from washer to dryer (starting a load is a bit trickier, but can be done)
4. Eat Lunch (as long as there is no cutting required)
5. Clean counters (thanks to Clorox wipes)
6. Do make-up (sans eyeliner...I'm not there yet)
7. Brush teeth (okay, so maybe I did this before having a baby, but it still counts)
I am sure many more of these one handed wonders are to come!
What are your one handed Mommy wonder tricks?
Anyway, recently I have come to realize that I can do more with a baby in one hand, than I ever accomplished as a two handed hominid pre-baby.
Things I can rock one handed:
1. Putting dishes away (though you may want to wait until they are no longer hot)
2. Make coffee/tea (thanks to my Keurig)
3. Switch laundry from washer to dryer (starting a load is a bit trickier, but can be done)
4. Eat Lunch (as long as there is no cutting required)
5. Clean counters (thanks to Clorox wipes)
6. Do make-up (sans eyeliner...I'm not there yet)
7. Brush teeth (okay, so maybe I did this before having a baby, but it still counts)
I am sure many more of these one handed wonders are to come!
What are your one handed Mommy wonder tricks?
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Work On It Wednesday: Refrigerator Organization
My fridge was way out of control after my last trip to Aldi. It was packed to the brim, unorganized, dirty, sticky, and all around gross. I fixed all that, in just 15 minutes, and felt a million times better.
I put the little guy in his bouncer seat in the kitchen, and went to work.
First I cleared off all of the shelves and put everything on the counter.
I scrubbed down those nasty shelves.
Then organized the items into three categories on the shelves (generally):
liquids, fruits/veggies (that didn't fit in the veg drawer), and dairy.
I also organized the door shelves, into sauces, condiments, and syrups, jellies and jams.
The drawers were already in pretty good shape with cheeses, veggies, and meats.
And there we have it, a well organized fridge!
Now I have everything at my fingertips,a place for everything, and everything in its place.
I won't overbuy and waste money, plus I will cut down on my dinner prep time.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Make Up Monday: Brush Cleaning
Cleaning your brushes regularly is a must. Without a good cleansing those brushes harbor all kinds of nasty bacteria. All of that bacteria comes through in the form of yucky break outs in the form of acne. That bacteria can also be transferred into your make up itself, which leads to replacing make up before its time, and costing you more money! You need to clean your brushes at bare minimum of once monthly, but should really be done once weekly, except any brushes used with liquid make-up which need to be washed after EVERY use to prevent mold and other grossness.
If you don't have a brush cleaner, you can also use a combination of antibacterial dish soap, and a few drops of olive oil to break up the make-up, cleanse the brush, and also keep those bristles soft and prevent breakage.
Gather your brushes, dish soap, bowl of water, and plate.
On the plate, mix your soap and oil, and then blend with finger.
After dipping dry brush into water bowl, then rub around on plate of cleanser. Once fully coated in cleanser, you can rub the brush around in the palm of your hand, and rinse.
When you rinse the brush, do so at an angle under the water. Doing this keeps the bristle glue in tact and prevents separation of brush from handle.
After rinsing, and gently squeezing out excess water, reshape the brushes and lay them to dry.
While your brushes are drying, don't forget to wipe down your brush roll, as it gets dirty as well!

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Therapeutic Thursday: 6 Ways I Use Coconut Oil
There seem to be a million and one links out there on what you can use coconut oil for. I am sure I haven't even scratched the surface of its uses, but for me, the few things I do use it for, make it well worth the purchase. Sadly, my local Aldi has yet to start carrying it (I should write a letter), so when I do have to hit up the dreaded Walmart for a few other items, like our dog food, I pick up a few jars of coconut oil to have on hand. Here are my top 6 uses for this awesome staple!
1. Eye make-up remover- this stuff will bust up even the toughest of eye make up!
2. Age defense- so not only does it remove your eye make up, but if left on, it can also help fight those dreaded crows feet around your eyes! I use it at night, and it soaks right it. It is NEVER to early to start an anti-aging regiment.
3. Cuticle cream- I have tried many of these creams over the years, as a massage therapist who washed her hands a bazillion times a day, and nothing has worked as well as pure coconut oil to soften, and prevent cuticle damage from over drying.
4. Stretch mark banishment- after having my baby 4 months ago I had terrible stretch marks on my breasts. I mixed up a batch of mostly coconut oil with a little added raw organic shea butter for thickness/consistency, and they have faded dramatically in just 4 months!
5. Milk production- I don't know if this works for everyone, but I can tell a difference in my breast milk production when I add a few tablespoons of the oil to my morning cup-a-joe.
6. Frizz Tamer- Don't go overboard, or you will get oily locks, but just a bit on your hands, then run through your damp hair, give your hair a lovely added shine, ad tames the frizz. It can also be used as a deep conditioning treatment if you use a lot of it, and place a shower cover over the head to keep the heat in. Leave on for about an hour, and then wash out. I have only done this once, as I don't seem to have as much time on my hands these days.
This is the jar I usually have at all times in my pantry:
Organic Coconut Oil
1. Eye make-up remover- this stuff will bust up even the toughest of eye make up!
2. Age defense- so not only does it remove your eye make up, but if left on, it can also help fight those dreaded crows feet around your eyes! I use it at night, and it soaks right it. It is NEVER to early to start an anti-aging regiment.
3. Cuticle cream- I have tried many of these creams over the years, as a massage therapist who washed her hands a bazillion times a day, and nothing has worked as well as pure coconut oil to soften, and prevent cuticle damage from over drying.
4. Stretch mark banishment- after having my baby 4 months ago I had terrible stretch marks on my breasts. I mixed up a batch of mostly coconut oil with a little added raw organic shea butter for thickness/consistency, and they have faded dramatically in just 4 months!
5. Milk production- I don't know if this works for everyone, but I can tell a difference in my breast milk production when I add a few tablespoons of the oil to my morning cup-a-joe.
6. Frizz Tamer- Don't go overboard, or you will get oily locks, but just a bit on your hands, then run through your damp hair, give your hair a lovely added shine, ad tames the frizz. It can also be used as a deep conditioning treatment if you use a lot of it, and place a shower cover over the head to keep the heat in. Leave on for about an hour, and then wash out. I have only done this once, as I don't seem to have as much time on my hands these days.
This is the jar I usually have at all times in my pantry:
Organic Coconut Oil
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Work On It Wednesday: Laundry Room Organization
For this "work on it Wednesday" I decided to tackle my laundry room. On laundry day I usually just throw it all into a pile, and sort it as I load, but that was making me crazy, and the laundry mountain (which is very tame in the picture compared to when I start the week) was just really, really bad.
So for just $10 I bought 4 pop up hampers for sorting into whites, darks, colors, and towels. I also got one little basket for the little man's clothes (I have to wash them separately in Dreft for his sensitive skin).
I then tackled the upper shelf and put things where they belong, like the coat that had been "hanging dry" for almost a month now. The laundry detergent on the left end was what I had when we moved in, and it doesn't work in our new h.e. washer, so I set this aside to give to my mom to use the next time she visits, so it doesn't go to waste.
It is amazing the difference a few cheap baskets and 20 minutes can make!
Now to decorate the laundry room!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Make Up Monday: Make Up Case Organization
After I got my vanity in order, the next step in my daily organization battle was getting my make up case in order! I love my vintage train case and thought that its little top tray would help me stay organized, but I was trying to cram so much into it, it just became a box of mess! So I trimmed down the make up into what I actually use on a daily basis, and then separated from there.
Doing this will not only save time every day, but it will also save money. It will save time by getting everything I need at my fingertips, no digging through drawers looking for this or that every morning. Saving money comes into play because I am bad about over buying items that I think I am low on, not realizing I really have back ups already, because I am unorganized.
On the top tray I organized my make up into these sections:
1. lip glosses, chap sticks, lip sticks
2. powders (mineral make up, high definition powder)
3. foundation, cream highlighter, bronzer, blush
4. eye liners, brow pencils, mascara (and one lip stick that was too long to fit with the rest)
5. kabuki brush (as it doesn't fit in my regular brush roll)
under the tray I keep my eyebrow kit (with mag mirror, brush, and tweezers), eyelash curler, and make up brush roll
There it is, I am finally all organized in both my vanity, and make-up case! Now, to clean it all! Next week's post will be about cleaning your brushes, brush roll, and exterior of make-up cases.
Friday, February 14, 2014
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