Therapeutic Thursdays: The magic of Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel was a staple in my house growing up, but for a long time I didn't know why. I had no idea until going through massage therapy and then through esthetics school just how many uses there are for this awesome tonic. It grows naturally from Florida all the way up to Canada. It has been used for many years, and even has ties to Native American cultures as a healing agent. You can use it internally (pure only, NOT mixed with isopropyl alcohol), but here I will talk a little about the external benefits.

- Top Shelf Toner- I have used many a toner, and this is still one of my favorites. It tightens, clears up oil, and cleans up anything my cleanser may have missed. Just soak a cotton ball and go to town.
- Banisher of Blemishes- If you have a trouble spot...or five, just grab a q-tip and dab it on those spots. Let it dry completely before you move onto your moisturizer.
- Healer of ...ahem...Hemorrhoids- after having my first child last year I had a bit of a problem in my first week or so home. I used some witch hazel pads (Tucks brand) at first, and then just started using just witch hazel after any "movements".
- Bruise Buster- I have used this many times to help heal bruises, as I am a cluts. Using a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel on a bruise a few times a day will heal it a few days earlier than without.
- Razer Burn Regulator- I use this after every shave on some cotton rounds on my under arm, and bikini area, and it has completely gotten rid of any hint of razer burn, before it even arises!
- Bug Killer...Bug Bites I That Is- This takes the itch right out of any recent bug bite, and it also helps heal it up, and keep it bacteria free in the process.
- Handy Hand Sanitizer- My massage therapy instructor used her own mixture of witch hazel and essential oils in a spray bottle and used this as her only hand saitizer. Her hands always smelled amazing and were so incredibly soft.
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