Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 Things I Didn't Know I Would Like About Motherhood

With my lil dude is turning 6 months on Easter, I have been reflecting lately about how much I have changed and evolved in just 6 months. I love being a Mom and there were certain aspects of Motherhood I knew I would like, but there are also a few that were pretty surprising to me.

  1. Nursing/Breastfeeding: I did this because I knew it was good for my baby and would provide some added bonding, as well as save money. But at the 5 month mark, I was not making enough to fill up my rapidly growing tiny person. I had to start introducing formula, and he took to it like gang busters. I thought I would love letting other people feed him, and make the night time feedings a lot less stressful for me, but to my surprise I was actually brought to tears by this change. I love breastfeeding. I love the closeness it brought. I love the convenience. I love knowing that my body not only brought life into this world, but could also sustain that life. I guess I also sort of selfishly liked that I was the only person in the world that could provide such a service to my little guy. I am still feeding him in the morning, at night, and pumping enough for one full bottle at some point during the day, but not being needed 24/7 as a food source is oddly sad for me.
  2. Picking Up Toys: I like a tidy house, not a super clean one. I am not one to get into dusting, and cleaning windows, but I like the house to at least have the appearance of being clean. I thought that adding a bunch of toys, blankets, books, and other items into this mix would only bring a headache of more to do, but I find myself smiling as I do it now. I guess it is because I love knowing that these tiny little items belong to my most favorite person, and that picking up tiny toys will only be a small part of my parenting time. I am much happier picking up stuffed animals, binkies, teething rings and the like, than I may be down the line when I am picking up stinky teenager socks, gym bags, and video game accessories...though maybe I will find myself still liking that down the line too. 
  3. Changing Poopy Diapers: I never though the day would come when I would ENJOY and look forward to changing a stinky diaper, but as a parent your whole view changes. When I get a poopy diaper I know that his little digestive system is working the way it should, and I don't have to worry. When we switched to formula my poor little guy went from two or three a day, to none for 5 days, and I was in a panic. I thought I had broken him. Turns out it was just his system getting used to the change and everything is back on track, but now I am glad when I smell "that" smell, and relieved that he is doing just fine. 
  4. Hearing Someone Snore: I never understood how my Mother could sleep next to my step father every night. He snores like a hibernating bear! I thought, "how in the world can you get any sleep"?! I didn't even like sleep overs as a kid at times because I would stay up all night listening to a girl three sleeping bags down snore away, and it drove me nuts. But to my surprise hearing baby snore is a huge relief and actually helped me sleep better. Hearing his snoring was how I knew he was still breathing in the middle of the night. After reading way too many articles about the ever terrifying SIDS, the sound of a snore is like music to my ears. 
  5. Being Chewed On: I always had puppies growing up, and they would chew on you, drool, and the like. Now being someones teething toy makes me smile like nothing else. I know that by him chewing on me, it is comforting him and helping ease his pain, and as a parent that is a great feeling. 

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